Meet Tonya
I am so glad that you are here! I have been where you are. I have felt stuck and discouraged. I had allowed the limited beliefs and lies that felt like truth determine what I would think, feel, choose, and desire. Until I realized that it didn’t have to be this way. Since then, I have spent my life pursing education and training to help others find physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness.
I have been coming alongside women for over 30 years. I became a certified Life Coach and use my Doctorate in Chiropractic and nutritional certification to help women live their best life.
I am passionate about women discovering and living out the story God created them to live. It takes courage and commitment to live a life that leads to freedom. Freedom in Jesus, freedom to be themselves, and freedom to love others.
“There is freedom in knowing your story, telling your story, and living out the story God created you for.”
Sisterhood Leadership Conference
Lake Geneva Family Camp
School Presentations (Southwest High School, Trinity Lone Oak School, Elk River Co-Op)
Training for church staff and leadership (Developing good questions for small groups, prayer counseling, FRL-Facilitated Relational Learning, DDH-Developing a Discerning Heart)
Women’s’ Bible Studies (Jude, Philippians, Ephesians, Beatitudes, Ruth)
Health and Wellness Workshops (Nutrition Basics, Hormone Health, Stress)
Tonya is booking out the next 6-months for speaking engagements.
Certified Life Development and Leadership Coach
Disc and Motivator Certified
Certified Nutritionist
Prepare and Enrich Marriage Facilitator
Doctorate of Chiropractic
B.S. in Human Biology
If you could know only one thing about Tonya, it would be that she is most passionate about people experiencing Jesus in a real and authentic way. She feels most alive when she has the opportunity to hold space for people to engage in Scripture and encounter Jesus in community.
Tonya has been married to Dan for 35 years and they have four children. When mentioning the things she loves, it would be amiss to not include her Standard Poodle, Moses. If you cannot find her spending time with any of the aforementioned people or places, you will find her Pursuing Master’s in Biblical Theology and Contextual Leadership and offering life coaching at Soul Care Coaching (